
Cinemeccanica Victoria 5 Simon Nicholls Film

Cinemeccanica Victoria 5 Simon Nicholls Film

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I believe film and its history is more relevant today than ever before and should and can be enjoyed by all somehow and somewhere.

For me it all started with a trip to the cinema back in 1968. As an excited 7-year-old my father came home one Friday evening and announced we were off to the cinema to see a new space film.  What happened that night changed my life for ever. The cinema in question was the ABC Bristol Road Birmingham the “space film” was 2001: A Space Odyssey. Everything about the experience was huge. From the cavernous auditorium to the incredible curved screen and projected 70mm image to the stunning multi-track sound that came from every corner of the theatre.

When I recount this story to those who are willing to listen I always remind them that at the time I was watching TV on a small square black and white screen that took 5 minutes to spring to life and any music I listened to was heard from a crackly mono record player. Man was getting ready to land on the moon for the first time and Thunderbirds was a TV programme of choice. Kubrick’s classic was not only my introduction to the technical achievements’ cinema could deliver but also to my education in classical music.

Subsequently, as a result of our visit, we upgraded our record player to a superb HMV stereogram (still working to this day) and replaced the old mono LP vinyl soundtrack recording with a stereo version and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now with modern digital projection we can ably reproduce with ease the stunning audio visual experiences of the past. With quality equipment now well within reach of most venues it is time to harness the passion for cinema and pass on that element of showmanship we took for granted to a new era.

Simon Nicholls Film